Glenn Doell

Glenn E. Doell’s work has been shown nationally and internationally as part of the Smithsonian’s American Porcelain’ show and through the Theo Portnoy Gallery in NYC and Foster Goldstrom Galleries in San Francisco and Dallas. Also, Gallery 200, Barth Gallery and The Muse Gallery have represented his work.

One man shows include Denison University, SUNY Oswego, University of Dayton, Barth Gallery, Gallery 200, Ithaca College, Wells College, Hamilton College, etc. Permanent collections include The Everson, The Arnot, The Roberson Museum’s and The Kohler Company, where he completed a four month, residency as an Artist in Industry participant.

His Set Designs have been produced at The Kitchen, PS 122 in NY, The University of California Fresno, George Washington University, Cornell University, Middle Collegiate Church NY, Cooper Hewitt Museum as well as several at The Ohio State University. Grant support has come through the NEA, OAC, GCAC, NYS Council on the Arts. Reproduction and critical discussion of his work may be seen in the following books and publications: - American Ceramics, Barbara Press, Rizzoli Press ‘90 - Ceramics Monthly Magazine, Nov. 1987 - Dance Magazine, July 1983 - Studio Ceramics, Peter Lane, Chilton Press 1983 - Porcelain Traditions and New Visions, Watson Guptil - New Art Examiner, Sept. 1997 - Dialogue, April 2002
